Greg's European Adventure

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Athens and Recall from the Vatican.

Athens is pretty darn hot and they all the buildings and Marble at the monuments are white so it feels like you are underneath a maginfying glass. Anyways, yesturday I did the 5 hour walking tour of athens and saw the Acropolis, the Temple of Zeus, the changing of the Tights... I mean Greek Guards, as well as the original olympic stadium among other sites. Lots of photos to come. I also drank 4 liters of liquid and burned some skin cells.

I also got my cell phone working in Greece which is a story onto it self. I payed some shaddy estabilishment 25 euro to reprogram so I can say FU to FIDO because they lock all of their phones and where going to charge me 250 dollars to unlock it. My phone number is 6939734463. Rememeber that the country code to Greece is 040 and that would have to go first.

I am going to take care of laundry, some banking, reservations, and family contacts, and see the super National archological Muesum today. The weather looks a little rosy.

Recallying my Rome trip, I didn't have much fondness for Rome, but I loved the Vatican City. They have an excellent muesuem with many wonderful statues and a gigantic Map room (which I am a huge fan of). I thought the Sistine Chapel would be larger but it does feel more like the popes personal chapel this way. M. Angilo did a celestial job painting the house; not bad for a part time painter. St. Peter's Basicalla was also fantastic yet humongous! The Post office was neat too. One observation on M. Angilo was that he was the first artist to really incompase the exact muscles of the body and did some disection work. I felt some connection to him in this way.

ad dios


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